Congratulations to our ‘Mayo Person of the Year’ for 2016 Tommy Griffith, whose company PEL Waste Reduction Equipment was a recent winner at the Irish Times Innovation Awards 2019. Now in its 10th year the awards scheme recognises and rewards innovations in engineering, design and the production of industrial and consumer products.

PEL Waste Reduction Equipment won the award in the Manufacturing and Design Category (sponsored by Enterprise Ireland), for its unique Solar Street Bin, which has been rolled out across a number of local authorities including Mayo County Council, Galway City Council, Fingal County Council, not to mention a number of boroughs in London, and more recently in Scotland and parts of Europe.

PEL Waste Reduction Equipment had pitched their innovation to a group of judges in early October and was one of the five category winners to receive the awards at a ceremony in Dublin’s RDS on Tuesday 5 November.

CEO Tommy Griffith and Pearce Gibbons, Sales Engineer from PEL Waste Reduction Equipment – one of the five category winners of the Irish Times Innovation Awards 2019. 



The bin, which hits the streets of London last year, featured on BBC London News in September 2018.